Pay-What-You Want-Tickets FAQ

What is Pay What You Want?

Pay-What-You-Want lets you choose how much to pay for a ticket. Nothing should stand between between you and great puppet art, least of all a brutal social construct like money.

Is it always Pay-What-You-Want?

Rough House has been operating with pay-what-you-want ticketing for all feature productions since 2022. The money that we draw in through ticket revenue goes directly to compensating artists and program personnel for their work.

What about online ticket sales?

To discourage no-shows and unscrupulous scalpers (it’s a thing), there is a minimum price for online tickets. Tickets sold at the door have no minimum.

How much should I pay?

Rough House productions cost roughly $36/seat to produce. However, we want to be accessible to everyone every puppet lover and weirdo who wants in. Everyone has mouths to feed, debt, bills, etc… so take the table below as loose guidance.

Does anyone really pay more than they have to?

Yes! we have many wonderful supporters who pay $30, $50, even $100 by adding a donation to their ticket. Their support is how we make this program possible.